Index of /English Tafsir e Haqeeqat/00. Quraan and Physical World Science/01. Human Being/5. Health and diseases/

NameLast ModifiedSize
UpParent Directory
[TXT]00. Grand Qur'aan is the Healer and Curer.htm2016-08-27 14:27 15k
[TXT]1. Treatment for vitiligo.htm2016-08-27 14:27 17k
[TXT]2. Dynamic equilibrium, Human Homeostasis.htm2016-08-27 14:27 30k
[TXT]3. First reported case of EXPRESSIVE Aphasia.htm2018-02-19 10:48 63k
[IMG]Brain.png2018-02-19 10:48 780k
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