The act/process of the creation of the Man
The Grand Qur'aan depicts and portrays the
creation of First Human being, and thereafter the creation of his
extension with the choice of such words that mirror the unseen physical
realities in picturesque manner, that we could visualize them in our
perception even before our eyes might have caught their actual
images/clips. Herein, we will study about the raw material and manner of
creation of the living humanity who are the extension of Human species.

He the Exalted is the One Who appropriately
proportioned/synchronized/harmonized and balanced each and all
things that He the Exalted has created.
Further be informed, He the Exalted
initiated the Process of creation of
the Human Being corporeally with extract drawn from wet-clay. [32:07]

Afterwards, He the Exalted fashioned-rendered-inserted the
extension of him: Species Human
from gently and secretively drawn extract. This extract was drawn from
artfully treated water
which was desiccated, diluted, and lacking
The erroneousness of what is termed as ancient
Greek plagiarism theses, with regard to verbal mirroring of secrets of
human creation/embryology in the Grand Qur'aan, might start seeming
ridiculous when we see the above information about the origin of
extension/posterity of human being. Even today in 21st century,
the medical science has still not differentiated
and given a distinct name/term to the matter from which the human life
actually originates.
The beauty of the structuring of sentences is
manifest in the fact that the readers of all time-line could
satisfactorily perceive the information contained therein according to
the level of knowledge achieved thereat. People of 7th century could
have perceived from it that the life of human being begins in the
extract of "water of little/despised import" and he felt satisfied by
taking it in the meanings of semen. But the choice of words and their
arrangement in the sentence structuring is such that all information is
embedded therein which the humanity could acquire till last day.
: This connective particle is an adverb that indicates a sequential
action, coming later in time than the action in the preceding sentence
or clause. It occurs as
conjunction between two things different from each other in nature, and
reflects a break and time gap between both, not continuity. It does not
reflect the perception of relationship of cause and effect.
Verb: Transitive; Perfect; third person; singular; masculine;
[هُوَ] Subject pronoun
hidden, referring back to Allah, the Exalted. It
is made from مصدر
جَعْلٌ Verbal Noun.
Possessive Phrase: Noun: Definite; masculine;
singular; accusative + Possessive pronoun: Third person; singular;
masculine, in genitive state, referring back to:
the Human Being.

This is a prepositional phrase relating to the
elided state of:
The first noun is definite, the living extension, because of possessive
definite pronoun referring to the Human Being. Thus the living state is
evidently understood and is elided.
signifies an extract/essence of something which is gently and
secretively drawn out of something. From where this Extract/Essence was
gently and secretively drawn?

This is a prepositional phrase + Adjectival
signifies water. Its
characteristic/feature/physical specification is portrayed by:
as its adjective.
It is Passive Participle,
one upon whom some process has been carried out.
The basic perception infolded in its Root is to use for service and
work; to rub/pulverize. The clothes worn in service. Use of clothes also
makes them rubbed and smooth textured lacking energy and vitality. But,
when we apply this process on something like water to take some service
or work from it, we cannot attribute negativity or contemptibility to
the end product. We can simply call such water as desiccated/without
vitality or diluted or artfully treated water.
Did Aristotle or anyone else knew this fact or how
many even know it today? They only knew
that man is created from seamen or some used the specific word Sperm-
But the Grand Qur'aan depicted the Origin of Life
of the extension/extraction of Human Being in

Afterwards, He, the Exalted fashioned/designed the
Extension of him [Species-Human]
in the state of being
from a
gently and secretively drawn extract
out of/from desiccated/diluted/lacking
vitality/artfully treated water.
[Refer 32:08].
What people ordinarily know as the main source of
creation of living humanity is
But that is NOT the fact. This is second stage in
the Life-Line of creation.

Is this not a fact that Our Majesty
created you people from desiccated/diluted/lacking
vitality/artfully treated water? [77:20]
Thereat/for reason We inserted it within a pleasantly cold resting place
for an appointed/determined/known measure of time and
proportioning to become a sperm.
during that period
We finished its proportioning/matured it. Therefore, for this reason,
you should appreciate that We are the
Par Excellent of those who measure and proportion things. [77:20-23]
Would some specialist in medical
sciences and expert in Embryology like to answer the question in
negative that he was not created from
desiccated/diluted/lacking vitality/artfully treated water?
After the Creation of would-be-Human Being,
what was the next in the process?

This is a verbal sentence.
Prefixed Particle فَ
signifies sequence in happenings-successive
stages of process, the subsequent stage taking place when the earlier
stage has reached its culmination, and connotes the presence of cause /
reason and effect/consequence. "Thereby,
on completion of the earlier mentioned process-bringing
in state of being from a gently and secretively drawn extract
out of/from desiccated/diluted/lacking vitality/artfully treated water".
This also signifies a reason for the act/verb which might be seen
this verbal sentence means, "We had made him". The
Verb is Perfect:
Doubly transitive;
First Person; Plural/Sovereign Singular + [نَاَ]
Suffixed Subject pronoun, in nominative state + Suffixed
Object Pronoun:
Third person; singular; masculine, in accusative state referring to the
one who had since taken existence as living being.
The one who was made subsequently, was made at this location:

It is a Prepositional Phrase relating to elided
second object of verb + Adjectival Phrase. The preposition
denotes the location/a physical place within which
one thing is placed.
a Noun of location: Indefinite; singular;
masculine; genitive. Its peculiarity-adjectival trait is
It is Adjective
resembling participle [الصفة
المشبهة]: Indefinite; singular; Masculine;
genitive like the preceding noun it modifies.
Adjective resembling participle or termed
as Verbal Adjective is a noun derived from an
intransitive verb in order to signify the meanings of an attribute which
is usually perpetual or intrinsic. The two phrases compound denotes "within
a safe maturing stationing place".
The Second Object of doubly transitive verb is omitted, since it is
already known to the serious and responsible reader. Grand Qur'aan and
Arabic Language respects its readers the most by assuming them as having
habit of:
those who seriously, critically and objectively read a book keeping
track of all its contents in sequence.
We were earlier told:

Know the past fact,
Our Majesty had
created the Man: Adam corporeally:
With raw
material comprising of a gently and secretively drawn
pulverized extract from

Here both the objects of verb:
are mentioned, the second being:
It is thus evident that the one created/organism-a living entity [in the testes] is
The Sperm is the second stage in the process of
creation of human after the living one has
since been created
from a
gently and secretively drawn extract
out of/from desiccated/diluted/lacking vitality/artfully treated water.
The Sperm-
is made within:

firm/strengthening/resting/ stationing place.
The Pre-Sperm Organism was made Sperm in the Firm,
strengthening, resting, stationing place and was kept therein for a
certain determined/known duration of time:

This is Prepositional Phrase + Adjectival Phrase
relating to the preceding verb:
and the second elided object:
The Preposition:
signifies towards a destined location/point in time-up to location/point
in time where one boundary ends and a new boundary starts.
signifies the estimate of
quantity, time, reaching a desired level of proportion.
This is adjectively modified by the Passive
which signifies some thing previously
known, codified, transcribed, made known.
Thus this compound of two phrases, relating to the act of Creation of
Sperm, and its development-taking it to a specific measure, within a
firm/strengthening/resting/stationing place indicates, indicates that the
process took a certain length of time to complete. The process and time
duration yielded this act:
thereat We finished its proportioning/matured it.
4. Medical Science accepts and recognizes the above two stages as
distinct to each other.
It may be observed that Spermatozoa recovered from the testes are
live but infertile and without coordinated motility. They are
different and distinct entities.
Functions of the Epididymis
A. Storage Function
Spermatozoa are stored primarily in the cauda epididymis and may remain
there for 10 to 60 days
depending on the frequency of ejaculation.
B. Maturation of Spermatozoa
Spermatozoa recovered from the testes, are
live but infertile and without coordinated motility.
They are fertile and capable of motility when
recovered from the lower corpus or cauda epididymis.
Sperm will mature in isolated segments of the
epididymis. Some of the maturation changes occurring in
spermatozoa during epididymal passage are:
- acquisition of fertility
- development of motility
- water is lost from the sperm cell
- the surface charge changes
- the permeability of the plasma membrane
increases as does susceptibility to cold shock damage
C. Concentration of Spermatozoa
The epididymis removes water and
particulate material from sperm cells and from the fluid transporting
them from the testes. Fluid production by the testes is great and 90%
of that fluid is absorbed in the epididymis.
D. Secretion Function
- The epididymis can convert testosterone to the potent
androgen di-hydrotestosterone.
- The energy substrate glycerolphosphorylcholine is secreted in
large quantities and carried with the semen to the female where
enzymes of the female reproductive tract make it available for
- Sialic acid - a part of the mucopolysaccharide coating on
sperm cells - is produced in large quantities.
- Acyl-carnitine - useful in lipid transport and in providing a
source of energy for the sperm cell is secreted in abundance.
E. Sperm Transport Function
Spermatozoa are transported through the epididymis by fluid
pressure from the testes and contraction of smooth muscle around the
From the above functions of the:

or Epididymis it is evident that the Sperm is made/produced here.
Moreover, the Grand Qur'aan further tells that the sperm is not to stay here
permanently but has to be emptied/seen off for lodging as a trust
into some other receptacle/ depository:

Furthermore, He the Exalted is the One Who created
you people from a singular person.
for continuation process
there is a resting and maturing place [epididymes
for Sperm] and a
departing/emptying place/depositary/receptacle
for seeing off/pouring/deposit as a
trust and mutual understanding/ promises. [vagina-fallopian tube-uterus].
The fact is that
Our Majesty has made
the Aa'ya'at:
passages conveying information, facts and knowledge
about things-concepts as
vividly distinct-demarcated-isolated-alienated-crystal clear
for the people
who seek to comprehend/understand.
the most significant and unique entity
in the process of creation of human beings. Further information about it.
We should study all the
relative parts of all the Unitary Verbal Passages of Grand Qur'aan
relating to:
the Sperm to acquaint ourselves with the information communicated about

He the Exalted has
created the Man from a segment of a sperm.
when he is in strengthen maturity, he is
obsessively compulsive and excessively argumentative.. [16:04]

Is it that the man
humanity does not see/give a thought that Our Majesty created him
from a part of a single sperm
when he is in strengthen maturity, he is
obsessively compulsive and excessively argumentative.

Man should reflect from
which matter He the Exalted has created him, the human being?
He has created
from partial segment/part of single sperm. And then
He the Exalted had proportioned him.
The Grand Qur'aan uses the information which is the general perception
of the majority of humanity in contexts aimed at making them conscious
and mindful of that contained therein. The general perception of common
people is that man is created from the Sperm.
But, it gives the true and factual reality, in
between, for the information of more knowledgeable segment of the
society who like to listen the actual reality and have psyche of
critical analysis and believing only on having seen the actual fact. We
have seen above about the factual sequence of creation that suggests
corrections to the widely held general perception.
important aspect which is mostly ignored in the translations is about
the conjunction particles that results not only in major translational
loss but also distorts the perception and thought conveyed in such
Verbal Unitary Passages/Ayah relating to physical/scientific realm.
The verbal Passages containing the process of creation beginning with
the creation of the First of the Human Species and subsequently the
creation of its extension through
we will always find:
as the conjunction
It occurs as conjunction between two things
different from
each other in nature,
and reflects a break and time gap between both, not continuity.

He the second person
said to his
companion while he was moving and discussing with him:
"Have you denied the One Who
had created you from clay;
Afterwards, created you from part of a sperm.
Afterwards, He proportioned and preened you as a man? [18:37]

O you the humanity!
If you people are in irritating confusion about the
resurrection—revival of life:
Then why don't you reflect on origin of life;
Our Majesty indeed created you people initially from clay;
Afterwards, We created you
from a segment of single sperm;

And indeed Allah
created you people from clay initially. Afterwards, created
from part of a single sperm; [Refer 35:11]

He is the One Who created you
living people from clay [initially] afterwards, He created you
from part of a single sperm; [40:67]
The choice
of conjunction particle
instead of Waw and Fa signifies that the information is for the whole
Species-Human beings bifurcated in two segments-the First Man and then
Extension of him
6. Peculiar
structure of
it is
having characteristic of mixture-gathering-concentration of things.
peculiarity/feature of Sperm is described:

- It is a
fact that Our Majesty has created the Man, the living humanity, in
his present state from a sub-set of one sperm. Its: sperm's
characteristic feature is that it is a set of
gathering-concentration of multiple clusters of pairs (called
chromosomes in biology).
- Purposely,
Our Majesty
keeps subjecting the Man to
exposure trials. Therefore, We
have rendered him a listening - acoustic and observing - optical person.
Noun: Indefinite; broken plural;
feminine; genitive; [ مَشِجٌ
Singular]. It is the adjectival portrayal of preceding noun. It
signifies mixture-cluster of two things, mix or confuse two things,
mixture of colour red and white. Its plurality shows that the
constituent parts of a Sperm are multiple pairs. Today, we know that it
is constituent of 23 pairs.
The sex of the under creation human being is determined solely and
exclusively by the Sperm when it is poured and lodged in the

Moreover, it is a fact that He,
the Exalted has created the two sexes,
the male and the female [53:45] from
partial segment of single sperm at the point in time when
it is
poured/lodged/presented. [53:46]

Is it not a fact that he was in the state of a sperm in that semen which is poured/lodged
[into receptacle]? [75:37]
: Verb: Imperfect; Third person; singular;
Passive; Mood: Indicative;
Proxy subject pronoun hidden, referring back to:
: Verb: Imperfect; Third person; singular;
masculine; Passive;
Mood: Indicative; Proxy subject pronoun hidden referring back to:
masculine singular collective noun.
The above two verbal
passages have given the following information:
(1) Sperm is lodged. Where?
Allah the Exalted has specified the Lodging Receptacle-We will see it
(2) Allah the Exalted
the sex of the
under-creation human being by using solely the Sperm, after it is
(3) The Sperm is within the
Semen which is usually-frequently lodged.
was resting and maturing in 
. How it went into Semen?
Journey of
within Male's body.
The Sperm did not go
anywhere at its own choice from its resting place. It was forced to
quit its resting place.

Responsively/for reason,
the Man should see with eyes to know,
"what is that with which he has been created?"
man could see it with
eyes, let this be known that] He has been created
from that in such water which is
outpouring, forcefully flowing water.
second peculiarity of this water is that it secrets-discharges
from the location situated at the middle of the
[Prostrate Anatomy-back], a location which is the central point of the Ribs
[Prostrate Anatomy-front].
The beauty and superb style of verbal narration in the Qur'aan is
evident from the fact that the listener and reader of varying level of
information and knowledge, in the entire time-line, would perceive the
thought and perception conveyed therein, and find it as a proven and
established fact according to his level of information and
knowledge, should he be an ordinary illiterate person or be a scientist,
philosopher, or highly qualified expert in the area of under discussion
subject of discourse.
Phrase. Separable Preposition:
Interrogative Pronoun.
a verbal sentence as object of the Jussive Verb "should see" suspense
with interrogative. It is Verb: Perfect; Third person; singular; masculine;
passive; [هُوَ]
Proxy Subject pronoun/Ergative hidden, referring
back to:
In its first occurrence,
the Man, as a
Species that includes ordinary people as well the most qualified
specialists on the subject, is advised that he should "see with eyes"
to know that with which he is created. The people
including scientists and philosophers in the days of revelation of Grand
Qur'aan knew that the man is created when the semen
is lodged in the "receptacle" of their respective wives. The Qur'aan
corrected the general perception by informing that it is not all Semen
that produces child but restricted it to one element-
that is present in the:
when it is poured into the Receptacle-meaning Vagina of one's wife.
The Man
of those days could not see Sperm with naked eyes, therefore, the word
chosen is:
, Interrogative pronoun
and not:
as the object for visual observation.
But today, for us:
the interrogative pronoun signifies also the Sperm which should be seen
with our eyes to
reflect and ponder over our relationship with the entire universe and
thereby express gratitude that despite being apparently so insignificant
in relation to the magnanimity and vastness of universe, we are the ones
for whom and in whose service the entire universe is at work.
giving the advice to see by interrogating and researching about the
object/raw material with which the man has been created, they are being
informed another secret to modify their generally held perception that
the semen discharges from the testicles. The perception held about Semen
in those days and even today in 21st century many people understand
testes as the source of emitting semen.

Verb: Perfect; Third person; singular; masculine;
passive; [هُوَ]
Proxy Subject pronoun/Ergative hidden, referring
back to

Prepositional Phrase + Adjectival Phrase relating to verb.

Adjectival Phrase.
is indefinite noun but does not signify ordinary water. It is
adjectively distinguished by:
an active participle.
Active Participle, a derivative noun, signifies the person, creature or
thing/object that performs the action associated with the verb from
which it is derived.
For this reason, it is often referred as
Verbal Agent. Active Participle can also signify a person or
thing/object to whom/which existence of a particular state or effect is
attributed. However, the attribution of a state is not understood to be
permanent in an Active Participle. Due to this peculiarity, it is also
referred as Verbal Adjective.
One of the unique feature of an Active participle is that
it has a verbal quality. It signifies that
it has the same meaning as the Active Voice Verb and can even govern
words in the same manner as a verb governs in a sentence.
basic perception infolded in its Root and verbal noun, according to Ibne
Faris [died 1005] is
to push something forward/ ahead.
Other lexicons also show its signification as, to flow with force,
outpour, to push.
It is thus evident that the adjectival phrase would convey meanings to
everyone as, "the pushing water;
outpouring water, forcefully flowing water".
The fact
that the man is created from
"outpouring water, forcefully flowing water"
signifying ejaculation was and is sort of general knowledge of common
adult populace of all times, whether lived in the 7th century or is
living today. But the source-the spring of this gushing forth,
outpouring water is perceived by majority, all along, as the lower part
of genitalia, the testes.
The science and knowledge of
embryology was in its infancy in the seventh century when Grand Qur'aan
was gradually being revealed and the Last Messenger Muhammad
without being an anatomist dissecting human corpses, was
disclosing the hidden realities for the
knowledge and study of humanity.

- Realize it;
he the
Muhammad [Sal'lallaa'hoalaih'wa'salam]
imparts you the information-knowledge which hitherto you did not have.
[Refer 2:151]
generally held incorrect perception and understanding about:

"the pushing water;
outpouring water, forcefully flowing water", which was merely known and
described by a general word:
signifying Semen was corrected by disclosing its source-the actual
fountain-spring from where it outpour, gushes forth, ejaculates. It was

is a verbal sentence.
Verb: Imperfect; Third Person; Plural; Mood: Indicative; [هُوَ]
Subject pronoun hidden referring back to:

pushing water;
outpouring water, forcefully flowing water". This verbal sentence is in
genitive state as the adjectival portrayal of its subject.
This verb signifies that its subject gets out from
within an object/container/holder located at some place.
Where is that container/spring from which it

Prepositional Phrase + Possessive Phrase.
It should be remembered that only the Prepositional phrase relates to
the verb.
from a
location situated at the centre of loin [backbone]
:Separable Preposition;
is a Noun/Adverb of
Place/Location, and is
being the first noun of
Possessive Phrase with second definite noun. It should be remembered
that it is a location in itself
and does not mean the
middle of one object.
It is always an independent
location which is in between two objects and is independent of both.
Unfortunately, learned scholars of the past ignored this basic fact
about the word while translating this informative Unitary Verbal
Passage/Ayah. Further, specific name of the source object is not given,
but reference is only of location. Therefore, it should not be assumed
that the object from where it outpours is one.
It is
a definite Noun: definite; singular;
masculine; genitive. The basic perception infolded in its Root is that
of strength, hardness and rigidity. Thereby, this is used to denote
primarily the loin
and in general terms also for referring to back bone. I have put the
word "backbone" in parentheses only for the reason that some famous
translators did err in translating it by this word. The fact of the
matter is that the Grand Qur'aan made it unambiguously evident, at the
very first place of its use, that the thought perceived from this Word
was only loin, an area employed for having the sons, an area of strength
and yielding sons who are considered, particularly in tribal societies,
a source of strength.
Here is its first occurrence in Grand Qur'aan, and let anybody guess if
it could be construed to signify anything else than loin:

Moreover, the spouses of
your sons who were born of your loins are sanctified.
[Refer 4:23]
The first noun of the possessive phrase
is plural of:
It is interesting to note that almost all the
learned translators have transcribed the plural with "Loins". Therefore,
it is better to presume that translating its singular as "backbone" was
just an inadvertent error. However, those who translated:
[like Pickthall, Arberry]
as "loin" also
inadvertently made it plural.

Appositive/Conjunction particle. This coordinating
conjunction functions as an additive term within sentences to link
clauses, phrases, and words. It refers to affirming, for the المعطوف
is definite feminine
plural noun, the same meaning that is affirmed
for the المعطوف عليه
is this sentence: 

Thus the anatomy of the object (s) from where is
pushing water;
outpouring water, forcefully flowing water" is given by both back
and front postures.
Let us
see the location situated between the loin from where gets out:

pushing water;
outpouring water, forcefully flowing water". The object from which this
get out [
is named as Prostrate Gland.
Specifically, the prostate
is an exocrine gland.
glands are so-called because they secrete through ducts to the outside
of the body (or into a cavity that communicates with the outside).
Early 20th century. < exo- + Greek
krinein "to separate".

Summary/synopsis of what we have learnt from the Grand Qur'aan up till
1. Creation of life-would-be-human
being organism-Pre-Sperm stage. Raw material:
gently and secretively drawn extract
out of/from desiccated/diluted/lacking vitality/artfully treated
Transportation of Pre-Sperm Living
Organism [Germ-Cell-Precursor
of sperm]

"within a
safe maturing stationing place"
to make it
-Sperm is made and kept staying within a
safe maturing stationing place unto a known
length of time whereby it is matured-developed to a stage
becoming a distinct entity of significance and recognition.
Peculiar structure of
it is
characteristic of mixture-gathering-concentration of things.
5. Sperm is used
to decree sex of under-creation human being
when it is
in the state of being within Semen.
was resting and maturing in 
. It was pushed into Semen discharging
from a specified location, describing
journey of
within Male's body.
Allah the Exalted advised
human beings to see with eyes regarding this:

Responsively/for reason,
the Man should see with eyes to know,
"what is that with which he has been created?"
man could see it with
eyes, let this be known that] He has been created
from that in such water which is
outpouring, forcefully flowing water.
second peculiarity of this water is that it secrets-discharges
from the location situated at the middle of the
[Prostrate Anatomy-back], a location which is the central point of the Ribs
[Prostrate Anatomy-front].
The above advice was
given but not in vacuum. This was the promise given to humanity through
the most truthful of truthful.

Moreover, you the Messenger
"The Infinite Glory and Praise eternally stands specified entirely and
exclusively for Allah the Exalted.
He the Exalted will henceforth keep visually showing you people His Aa'ya'at:
Unitary Passages mirroring physical
realities [in the Universe and your own bodies]
Thereat, you people will keep recognizing them as were verbally mirrored". [Refer 27:93]
This promise stands
fulfilled with regard to creation of life-organism-would be human being,
its transportation for
creation of Sperm within a
safe maturing stationing place unto a known
length of time, and
its floating into the
pushing water;
outpouring water, forcefully flowing water" and the location from
where it gets out and how it acts as active participle performing the
act of pushing someone. We have seen all that which we visualized in our
perception through its verbal mirroring in the Unitary Verbal Passages/Aa'ya'at
of Grand Qur'aan.
of Life/Germ Cell, then Sperm at

and its Journey
by push-Video/animation
The movie depicts the
genitalia of male in a manner of a diagram/animation ordinarily
presented to medical students therefore is perhaps not offensive but it
certainly clarifies and elucidates the point and meanings of the verse
discussed in the article.
The Infinite Glory and Praise eternally is entirely and exclusively for
Allah, the Exalted.

d) Depository/Emptying place/Trustee and place
of mutual understanding/commitments:
for [
Sperm and its developing/creation of
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