Translators and exegetes have no right to insert their intellect and memories in target text


We have read in the topic "Plagiarism is a cognizable crime" that associating or ascribing any statement with the Discourse-Parlance-Book of Allah the Exalted is a serious crime. One can do it by borrowing statements of writers or by recalling information and knowledge one may have saved in his memory up to a certain point in time.

We have read that the aristocracy had decided to use underhand deceptive tactics of spreading conjectures and palavers; obviously by employing the scholars and learned people of the society, to keep people away from Grand Qur'aan and thus retain their hegemony.

Prior to it they had made soft attempts to avoid the spread of Grand Qur'aan:

 They also attempted that the Qur'aan might be substituted by a self drafted book:

A group of people have apparently given two options but the end objective is the same. "Bring some compilation-book other than this Qur'aan"; or "amend/change this Qur'aan". They have disclosed their intentions that the Grand Qur'aan is not acceptable to them. However, if the exalted Messenger brings them some other book authored by him they would readily accept it.

Allah the Exalted forbids; supposedly the elevated Messenger صلى الله عليه وسلم had agreed to change/amend the Qur'aan; what faculty could have helped him for doing it? The answer of the Last Messenger has clarified what nobility were demanding from him. A person can amend/change the substance described in a book by applying faculty denoted by two possessive phrases: . At a given point in time this is the sum total of information/sayings/stories/events/feelings/knowledge that is stored in one's memory which had created perceptions and awarded intellect. This is the sum total of memories inscribed in one's mind which had come to his perception by that point in time in life through the faculty of listening and seeing granting him knowledge/intellect/wisdom.

A man has visible identification, his apparent body. His person is invisible-hidden in the thoughts and perceptions/intellect/wisdom psyche/understanding/beliefs stored in the memory and comprehensively and precisely infolded in the Arabic words: :  It are two successive possessive phrases. : It is comprising of:  and first person singular pronoun. It reflects the sum total of visible and hidden aspects of a personality. It also refers to knowledge/wisdom/brain/faculty of analysis. The true/real personality of a man is not the visible structure/skeleton/body but the brain and heart which are locus of knowledge/perceptions/intellect/wisdom.

Root of:   is "ل  ق  ى".  The basic concept infolded is the act of facing a thing, encountering and meeting it, or finding it; and perceiving it by listening and seeing. For doing anything including amending/changing the Qur'aan, the Last Messenger had to retrieve information/knowledge from his brain and "confront/meet" it in his chest before he could articulate the amended version or write it with his right hand. We are now aware that for saying words or doing an act we have to cut/retrieve information from the memory of the brain and confront/meet it. Deliberately and consciously nothing can be said or done unless data is earlier available in the memory of the brain and it could be retrieved.

The elevated Last Messenger categorically and emphatically turned down their desire for writing something from his own perception/ knowledge/understanding and instead emphasized that all his sayings and actions are restricted to the following of that which is revealed in the Qur'aan. He was asked to confront people with a simple known and undeniable fact:

The elevated Messenger of Allah the Exalted did not oblige the desires of his contemporary aristocrats to draft a statement other than Qur'aan. Allah the Exalted informed:

It is thus plainly evident that a group of people did not have any genuine suspicion about the source of the Book but wanted that something other than the Qur'aan be said by the Last Messenger.  The people who suspect the apparent facts evident and manifest like the daybreak do not in fact have any suspicion in their minds but just pretend suspicious to find an excuse for denying it. The Last Messenger disappointed them. Being frustrated in not getting what they wanted they decided to target Qur'aan to restrict its efficacy as we discussed in Grand Qur'aan: the book most feared by ruling elite and coterie intelligentsia.

The elevated Messenger of Allah the Exalted had categorically denied adding to or altering a single word of Qur'aan. Therefore, whoever adds or alters any word and statement of Qur'aan while translating or writing exegeses in target language whereby general public might be misled as if it is mentioned in Qur'aan, he will be guilty of a serious crime.

    Grand Qur'aan: the book most feared by ruling elite and coterie intelligentsia.