Elided Verb: The elevated Messenger of Allah the Exalted pronounced:
"Ar'Reh'maan: the Personal Name of Allah the Exalted is the recourse-resort to activation.
Ar'Reh'maan is eternally the Fountain of Infinite Mercy".
[Note] It should be remembered that it is not the written text/part/Ayah of سُورة [Chapter 04] and hence it is never numbered. For convenience of those readers who are already believers, this is traditionally printed since it is commanded in the Qur'aan to read/recite with the Name of Sustainer Lord, The Creator.
Ayahs: 176 No of words: 4254 Progressive total of words: 10925*2 + 4254 =15179
Contents: (1) Title; (2) Unity—cohesion and coherence; (3) Main theme; (4) Segmentation (internal frames)
Page under preparation
Its title meaning "the women" is taken from the Ayah 1.
The number 4 is often associated with traits such as stability, practicality, responsibility, and organization. It is seen as a number that represents a strong foundation and a focus on building a secure and orderly life. First social relationship is of husband and wife. Captioning the chapter 4 as "The Women" symbolically represents the status and position of women since they are the foundation and carriers of the members of entire humanity that will take existence prior to the last moment of the Universe. Foundational half of every human (ova) is part of women since their birth. No woman produces ova (egg cell) during her life.
The word women is used 20 times in this Sura out of 59 mentions in the Discourse. It is a plural that does not have singular and refers fully mentally and bodily matured human feminine who has stability, practicality, feel of responsibility and capability of organizing a new family unit of society.
The number of words 4254 is considered notably humanitarian number and is also known for its equal primary characteristics of romance and artistic talent. These primary frequencies synchronize well with 4254's other facet of kindness.
Number of Ayahs is 176. In numerology, number 176 is made up of the energies and vibrations of numbers 1, 7, and 6. Number 1 represents new beginnings, leadership, and independence. Number 7 signifies spiritual awakening, inner-wisdom, and enlightenment, while number 6 relates to material possessions, love, and domesticity. When combined, these numbers form a powerful and balanced energy that symbolizes the harmony between our spiritual and material lives. It’s a reminder that our universe are helping us align our lives with our divine purpose. So is the message and direction in the Sura.
(2) Unity—cohesion and coherence
Chapter 3 contained the narrative of battle of Uhad
(3) Main theme
(4) Segmentation (internal frames)
I have segmented the Sura in 39 Frames. The Sura begins with address to humanity